Satellite Training

Want the freedom to workout alone, in your own gym, or while you’re away on holiday? Get a personalised program that suits your lifestyle. Read more below.


At LIFT, we know that not everyone has the time to commit to a three-day-a-week personal training schedule. Which is why we offer satellite training, from our base in Smithfield, Dublin 7.

Come in once a month for a one-on-one consultation and programme development session, and we'll send you home with the skills and knowledge to kill it at the gym – and in the kitchen – for the next four weeks. We'll sit down with you on a regular basis to switch up your programme, innovating and developing the best workout and diet regimes for you, your life and your body.

The best thing about satellite training? It doesn't have to mean a huge time outlay – you work out at a time that suits you, in a location that works for you, your work and your home commitments.

With satellite training at LIFT Training Studios, you'll know that you're getting the very best advice from the most qualified personal trainers around – and we'll provide a strong support system, always on hand to answer any questions, from diet to form and more.