We're Open!

Thank You from Lift.png

And I’ve never been SO happy to be SO exhausted!

I’ve said it before, but I have to say it again, we wouldn’t be here without you, our amazing clients! So a million thank yous for all the support you’ve given both me and Shauna over the last three months.

When I opened Lift in 2015, I wanted to help people be as healthy and strong as they could possibly be. And yet, I’m coming to realize more and more every day, that it’s my amazing clients who keep me healthy, strong, and ready to take on any challenge the business world throws my way!

And to show my gratitude, be sure to come into the gym so I can put you through the toughest session I have! 💪

So while I sit here, finishing my glass of magnesium before bed, I want to leave you with one simple take away from today’s blog post:


Although you’re amped to be back in the gym and lifting heavy again, listen to your body! You’re going to feel sore, but don’t let that discourage you, use that feeling to motivate you to stick with it. The initial soreness is always the worst part, so it’s only up from here!

The three most important things I want you to focus on this week for recovery are:

  1. SLEEP! This will always be the top of every recovery list.

  2. Drink more Water! Even more than you think you need, if you’re pee isn’t clear you need more.

  3. And lastly, Stretch! If you picked up stretching during the shutdown, keep it up, or else add 5-10 minutes of stretching to your morning and evening routines, or better yet join our core and mobility sessions!