Welcome to Tabata!

Thank you Dr. Izumi Tabata for giving us one of my favorite finishers - the Tabata session!

Researchers in the ‘90s compared the benefits of exercising at a constant and moderate level intensity vs exercising in bursts of high level intensity. Those who exercised at the moderate level improved their cardio (aka aerobic fitness), but didn’t improve their strength (aka anaerobic fitness) and those who exercised using a Tabata style of training improved both!

So why turn down a Two for One Deal?!

What’s the difference between Interval training, HIIT, and Tabata?

Tabata is a type of HIIT training and HIIT is a type of Interval Training… but not all Interval Training is HIIT and not all HIIT is Tabata.

I’m sure that’s crystal clear now, but just in case, here are a few definitions!

And don’t worry if you don’t keep them straight, there are a large number of people - trainer’s included - who use the terms interchangeably.

Interval Training (IT)

  • Interval Training uses periods of exercise and rest, with no criteria for the intensity or Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE). These sessions can be as long as 60 minutes depending on the exercises completed.

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

  • High Intensity Interval Training is a type of IT that is specifically high intensity (like the name says!). A typical HIIT session, shouldn’t be longer than 30 minutes and should involve maximum effort during working periods.

  • There is no criteria for exact work to rest ratios and this can vary depending on the exercises and goals for the session.

  • HIIT has become very popular due to its RESULTS! There is a huge amount of scientific research showing improvements in endurance, strength, and weight loss from HITT training!


  • Tabata is a type of HIIT that uses a specific work to rest ratio (2:1) where you exercise at maximum intensity for 20 seconds and then rest for 10 seconds for 8 rounds.

  • Tabata can be done with the same exercise for all 8 sets or else you can do 8 different exercises. You can use it to shape your whole session or add it in as the finisher to a different type of session. It’s length makes it versatile and effective! That’s why it’s one of my favorite tools to use in the gym! (As many of you already know)!

My Current Fav Tabata Song

For those of you who joined me on the Zoom classes this summer, this will be no surprise to you, but my current favorite Tabata song is Dance Monkey (Tabata). To listen, pop into the studio so I can put you through a deadly session topped off with a short and effective Tabata finisher!

OR! get a Tabata Satellite Program from me to do at home and you can create your own playlist for the session! Check out Tabata Songs on Spotify for a few ideas if you’re crafting your own playlist.


Check out our timetable and book in to a session today!

But only if you’re interested in endurance, strength, weight loss, and health!!